In a special holiday episode, Derek and Laurel pay homage to 2017’s best superhero flick, Wonder Woman. Viewing Diana Prince’s origin story through the lens of thankfulness, your hosts draw comparisons to great origin myths throughout history, from the Garden of Eden to the marriage of Persephone, and make the kind of discoveries you can only find by reexamining one’s favorite stories with an active eye and imagination.
Episode 22: Hell On Earth
If you were standing at the edge of the earth, ready to take the plunge into the underworld, would you? So many heroes take that plunge, into the depths of hell only to return, unencumbered but not unscathed. Listen to Derek and Laurel understand the idea of traveling to the underworld as a story device, its mythic origins, and pop culture manifestations. We go from Persephone to Wonder Woman in another quest to understand the perfect story.